Discipleship Studies and Resources
Class and Study Notes from Seminars/Classes Robin presents at Conferences, Study groups, University Courses, and congregational Bible Classes.
Who a Disciple is
Being a disciple according to scripture isn’t a program…it has nothing to do with a prescribed process…rather, it has more to do with a person’s IDENTITY than their actions.
Original Study (2020)
Study notes presented at Immanuel Lutheran Church’s Discipleship Class taught by Robin (2024)
How a Disciple lives
Our IDENTITY IN CHRIST shapes and informs our actions and lifestyle...but what does that lifestyle look like? There is a verse in the New Testament that is HUGE in answering this question: 1 John 4:17 “because as He is, so also are we in this world.”
Original Study (2020)
The “Playing Field” has Changed!
Disciple Passages from the Bible
As many of the passages in scripture that mention the word or concept of being a disciple!
Simple ways for a Disciple to be “on mission”
Here are some practical and simple ways to join Jesus on His mission!
“Every Disciple a Sacrament”
Sacred Pathways
Two worksheets that help you discover how God has “wired you up” to worship! What is YOUR Sacred Pathway? Find out more:
Being and Growing as a Disciple
A “sample” Discipleship Strategy
Bible Studies on the “In, Out and Up”
These Bible Studies are meant for individuals or small groups to explore the themes of “In, Out and Up.”
The “Nazarite Vow” as a metaphor for following Jesus
Buried in the pages of Scripture is an amazing image of what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Oddly enough, it comes from the Old Testament, not the New. Yet the image that it portrays is one of the most vivid in all of the Scripture about what it means to be a Christ-follower… the Nazirite Vow.
How do we grow as Disciples? There are many ways that we can be “formed in Jesus” (Galatians 4:17). This paradigm is based upon the mystery of the Trinity. Just as God has created us in HIS image, so He calls us to live in the power of His presence! As Jesus is formed in you, we keep growing God’s love, grace, and purposes! The point is – let us ALL live “up, in, and out” as disciples seeking to be faithful to Jesus living in and through us!
“In, Out and Up” Video presentation
This video presents the main themes of the “In, Out and Up” strategy of disciplemaking!